Tell us your story

Hundreds of people walk through the doors every week at GracePoint, and every single person has a story. We're excited to hear yours! Whatever your past, God will use your story to inspire others. If you believe you have an impactful story, we'd love to hear about it. Whether it's your story of salvation or anything you've seen God do in you or through you, we're excited to read it! Jesus has been behind every detail of your life, even using the ugly and terrible things to form and shape you with the utmost care and attention. What a joy to get and tell others of His work in your life!

We may use your story in a staff meeting, a small group, on social media, or in a highlight video to be shared during a specific sermon series in the future. 

5 Tips For Writing Out Your Story:

  1. Choose a specific turning point or defining moment in your life. It could be a problem or struggle, a change of mind or heart, or a significant relationship. 

  2. Be honest, raw, and real. Embrace the messiness. Don't exaggerate or sugarcoat. There is no reason to sensationalize or lie about the events in your life. Just because other people may have been saved out of a horrible background and you haven't, doesn't mean you are any less saved. There will be people in the audience who can relate to your authentic story, even if it sounds boring compared to someone else's testimony. When you are honest, God can use your words to reach others.

  3. Have a before, a how, and an after. Talk about what your life was like before Christ, how you met him, and what your life's like now. Paint a picture of your circumstances and describe what motivated your life before the change took place.

  4. Identify key people that impacted you. Who was influential in your life, and how did they contribute to who you are today? What people walked with you through an important season, and why was that season important? Who has had the most influence on your faith journey? How did they impact you?

  5. Explain God’s role in your story. Since your story is ultimately about God, make it clear how He has changed your life. Explain how Jesus turned your mess into a message, your test into a testimony, and your trial into a triumph. Share how and why your choices, attitudes, and circumstances have changed since you met Christ.